Earn extra money apart from monetization on telegram channels by posting message. Every message will earn fixed money upto $1000 per month from telegram channel. Monetize on telega & get frequently post orders.
Monetization is the best way to earn money by placing third party ads. Telegram officially have program like instagram & facebook but very low earning. There is one new method i found to earn money by telegram channel monetization. The method is based on posting message on our channels and earn fixed money on every message.
Tons of methods like affiliate marketing links , link shortner and many more. But doesn’t provide fixed income. Also sometimes channels blocked due to spamming. So use only the natural way.
On social media list telegram has billion of users. People have thousands of subscribers and views on posts but no any way to earn fixed income from it.
There is a way to channel monetization for all users. Its not depend on subscribers list. Register channel and set fixed price of post. Advertisers will visit the channel and give orders to your channel.
Small amount of fees will take from orders amount and whole money will transferred. Minimum payout require is $20. I monetized my channel and frequently getting orders.
So don’t wait just register channel and make extra income from telegram channels.
Earn money from telegram channel with monetization
Telegram channel monetization for earn extra fixed money per post. Post & earn upto $1000 every month. Monetize telegram channel now, No criteria.
How to Sign up as telega publishers ?
As much as channel you have start monetization on all channels for free. No minimum subscribers requires. Set the fixed amount per post and get orders in bulk.
Let’s follow the steps carefully to start monetization on telegram channels.
1. Firstly visit the publishers joining link on browser. [ Click Here ]
2. Telega.io homepage will open. Now select the “Channel owner” for publisher account or skip for “Advertisers” account for run ads on telegram channels by paying money.
3. Click on “Sign up” button. Popup will open >> Enter email address >> That’s it ! Login details will be shared to entered email address.
How to monetize telegram channel on telega ?
1. Login to telega.io and click on profile icon. Menu list will open.
2. Select “My channels and chats” option from list.
3. Verified accounts can add channels so click on “Send the link” and click on received link for verify email account.
4. Once email is verified. Click on “Add channel” button. Here need to fill some details about telegram channel to start monetization.
5. Upload channel image, channel link, title, group or channel, category under theme, language, description, leave the ratio 50%.
6. Next enter fixed price per post for 24 hours, 48 hours & 72 hours. At last enter source of subscribers like blog, social media, cross etc. Accept terms And add it.
7. Within some hours telegram channel or group will be approved for monetization. Enable notifications for email and telegram account under profile settings >> Notification settings. Whenever new orders comes so you will notify instantly.
8. Within 24 hours approve or reject the order. Once approve it, Post within time period and confirm under orders section with message link.
9. Once order time completes. Funds will added to telega account and withdraw it instantly through web money or payoneer. For India users, Bank account option is available.
Telega referral program
Along with channel monetization on telegram earn more from referral program. Click on profile icon and select affiliate program from list. Here copy referral link and share with friends.
The person who made account using your link will give 1.5% orders commissions rewards. If the person is advertiser on telega then 3.9% commissions.
This is the another source to earn income from telegram channel. Use the method with other monetization and earn upto $1000 every month from 20K subscribers channel.
I recommend to list the channel or group on telega. This is the one time method and me already getting orders frequently.
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